We offer you a growing list of resources that will encourage, inspire and motivate you as you go through the different seasons of your life.

"The 4 Seasons of Life" e-book​
​111 pages = $9.98
**now** = $7.49
​ you save $2.49

"The 4 Seasons of Life"
audio message (.mp3) 55 min.
Price = $3.98
**now** = $2.99
​ you save $.99
Just as the four seasons of the year—Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter—rule and influence each year, there are four seasons that mark and influence each phase of our lives. In "The 4 Seasons of Life" you will discover what season you are living in right now; how to overcome its challenges and how to seize the opportunities, while learning lessons God wants to teach you.
This message will give an overall view of "The 4 Seasons of Life" theme.
It was preached at the New Hope Church, in Maui, Hawaii.
This audio recording by Mario K Simoes will be an inspiration in your life!
Inspirational background for your desktop: Fall Season
"In our most difficult falls, God teaches us our most important lessons."​
Mario K. Simoes

Desktop theme: Fall
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discount -$0.24
**now** = $0.74
Inspirational background for your desktop: Winter Season
"Before God uses a person to change the world, He changes that person's world." Mario K. Simoes

Desktop theme: Winter
winter01.jpg art - $0.98​
discount -$0.98
**now** = FREE
Receive a FREE Winter Desktop Theme
with a purchase of an e-book or .mp3 audio

Download e-book sample

Desktop theme: Spring
spring01.jpg art - $0.98​
discount -$0.24
**now** = $0.74
Inspirational background for your desktop: Spring Season
"Success happens when opportunity meets preparation."

Desktop theme: Summer
summer01.jpg art- $0.98​
discount -$0.24
**now** = $0.74
Inspirational background for your desktop: Summer Season
"Success is to discover and fulfill God's purpose for my life."
Mario K. Simoes